About Us

About Us

About Us

Our Story

When Life Factory was established in 2008, wellbeing in the workplace was perceived by some as fluffy and nice-to-have.

It was post-financial crisis and there was nowhere near the empirical evidence that exists today as to its benefits on individuals and organisations.

Fortunately Times And Attitudes Change

Life Factory too has evolved.

Mental Health, for example, is no longer the taboo topic it once was and training to support mental health now forms a major part of what we do.

Life Factory is made up of specialists in their field.

From Resilience coaches and Mental Health First Aid Instructors to Sleep experts and Psychologically informed Workplace designers.

We can be your strategic wellbeing partner, or simply someone you call on to provide expertise and support for specific wellbeing initiatives.

Let’s discuss how to improve wellbeing in your organisation.

Expert Knowledge
Life Factory is made up of specialists, coaches, and instructors who are experts in their field.

A Strategic Wellbeing Partner:
Available to provide support to you and your team.

Life Factory too has evolved.

Mental Health, for example, is no longer the taboo topic it once was and training to support mental health now forms a major part of what we do.

Life Factory is made up of specialists in their field.

From Resilience coaches and Mental Health First Aid Instructors to Sleep experts and Pilates instructors.

We can be your strategic wellbeing partner, or simply someone you call on to provide expertise and support for specific wellbeing initiatives.

Let’s discuss how to improve wellbeing in your organisation

Sectors we work in

Sectors we work in

Workplace Wellbeing

Embedding wellbeing in the workplace for the long-term

Wellbeing in Education

Helping you support staff and young people

Community & Sports Clubs

Supporting a happier, more engaged environment

Want to boost your staff morale?

Want to boost your staff morale?

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples