Resilience Training

Resilient people and organisations find ways to bounce back from challenging times, stresses and disappointment.

Boosting Resilience

The past few years, with Covid and a cost of living crisis, have been seismic in terms of stress and change.

Proactive schools and colleges are increasingly recognising how vital it is to support their people through periods of change and uncertainty.

A lack of resilience impacts employee motivation, performance and job satisfaction, as well as of course general well-being.

Most people know somebody who always seems to be a “glass half full person” who has a positive, optimistic outlook.

But resilience is not a trait you either have, or not. It can be developed.

And that’s where Resilience training can help employees and schools.

Training to support all

We offer a range of support to suit your situation and budget

For the individual it can encourage:

Feeling of having greater control


The regulation of emotions

Optimism and hope

A flexible and adaptable attitude

For schools it can help:

Improve job satisfaction

Reduce absenteeism

Improve productivity

Increase ideas

Improve customer focus

Understanding The Challenges

Once we understand some of challenges that your school and team are facing, we tailor the training to your situation.

We can then help you understand how resilience works, assess current levels of individual resilience and provide techniques on strengthening personal and organisational resilience.

We want to help you develop a culture of accountability, higher achievement and greater positivity through enhanced resilience.


With 85% of managers acknowledging that employee wellbeing is their responsibility, but only 30% having received appropriate training*, it is certainly for any person with any kind of leader role.

We can offer Resilience training specific for people in a leader role.

We can also do a whole school approach too.

It’s for designated staff at every level.

*Business in the Community – Mental Health at Work, 2018 report


This can either be delivered online, or face to face.

Either way it will be interactive and engaging.

From a timing point of view this can be flexible – from blocks of several hours, to ½ day, to a full day.

Discover Our Popular Services


Proactive approaches to boost productivity

Mental Health First Aid

Awareness, confidence and understanding

Wellbeing Strategy

Embedding wellbeing for the long term

Want to boost your staff morale?

Want to boost your staff morale?

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples