Wellbeing Events

Whether it’s specifically a Wellbeing event, or an important event where you want people to feel great, we have a range of ideas to make your event live long in the memory.

Memorable Events

Memorable Events

It might be launching new health initiatives, via a Workplace Wellbeing day (or week).

Or an external event with clients, such as an exhibition, conference, or product launch.

Whatever the event, we can help you boost morale and energy and leave staff or clients with a positive experience of your event.

We’ll support as much as you need us to – and fit in with how you want the event to run.

Whether that’s providing ongoing sessions throughout the day, or repeating certain workshops or sessions on a drop-in basis.

It might be launching new health initiatives, via a Workplace Wellbeing day (or week).

Or an external event with clients, such as an exhibition, conference, or product launch.

Whatever the event, we can help you boost morale and energy and leave staff or clients with a positive experience of your event.

We’ll support as much as you need us to – and fit in with how you want the event to run.

Whether that’s providing ongoing sessions throughout the day, or repeating certain workshops or sessions on a drop-in basis.

Wellbeing Events

Wellbeing Events

Wellbeing days (or weeks) are becoming a popular way for organisations to signpost their intent and commitment to employee wellbeing.

Of course this needs to be backed up with consistent culture and behaviour, but a Wellbeing event can be a great way to encourage employees to evaluate their health, fitness and wellbeing.

As a result it can have individual benefits, as well as at an organisational level through boosting morale and potentially productivity.

Not only that, employees are likely to feel a sense of appreciation that their organisation should invest in such initiatives.

We can support you in a range of different ways, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Wellbeing days (or weeks) are becoming a popular way for organisations to signpost their intent and commitment to employee wellbeing.

Of course this needs to be backed up with consistent culture and behaviour, but a Wellbeing event can be a great way to encourage employees to evaluate their health, fitness and wellbeing.

Stress Relieving Massage
Stress Relieving Massage

Stress Relieving Massage

Sleep Workshop Or Key-Note
Sleep Workshop Or Key-Note

Sleep Workshop Or Key-Note

Menopause Awareness
Menopause Awareness

Menopause Awareness

Mindfulness Workshop
Mindfulness Workshop

Mindfulness Workshop

Health Checks
Health Checks

Health Checks



As a result it can have individual benefits, as well as at an organisational level through boosting morale and potentially productivity.

Not only that, employees are likely to feel a sense of appreciation that their organisation should invest in such initiatives.

We can support you in a range of different ways, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

As a result it can have individual benefits, as well as at an organisational level through boosting morale and potentially productivity.

Not only that, employees are likely to feel a sense of appreciation that their organisation should invest in such initiatives.

We can support you in a range of different ways, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Exhibitions & External Events

Exhibitions & External Events

Anybody who has visited exhibitions knows that walking around all day becomes tiring.

So what better way of attracting visitors to your stand (and keeping them there) than a massage that helps them ease their aches and pains?!

Of course you want most of your exhibition space allocated to your products or services, which is why we provide on-site chair massage, which takes up minimal space (around 2m2).

We’ve seen queues forming at exhibition stands offering our massage.

That attracts attention.

And it also means they’re somewhat of a captive audience for your Company whilst waiting their turn!



Whether your conference has a wellbeing focus or not, what you want is energised and engaged delegates.

You’ve invested a considerable budget and months of planning.

What you don’t want to see is nodding heads and stifled yawns.

Whilst the content and presenters are down to you, we can support you in helping to keep the energy high.

We offer the following services:

Invigorating Neck & Shoulder Massage

Invigorating Neck & Shoulder Massage

During breaks in the schedule, or at the end of day, a chair based massage (in an ergonomic massage chair) can give delegates a welcome boost of energy, whilst showing you care about their wellbeing.

We use qualified, fully insured therapists who cause minimal disruption.

Clothing does not need to be removed, hair and make-up are undisturbed and no oils are used.

Our FAQ’s will answer many queries:

How much disruption will there be?

What actually happens on the day?

How much space is required?

What do we have to provide?

How do we arrange workplace massage?

What about communicating to our employees?

Are the therapistis qualified and insured?

How often should we provide massage to our staff?

What if some colleagues have medical conditions?

How many people can be massaged per day?

How much disruption will there be?

What actually happens on the day?

How much space is required?

What do we have to provide?

How do we arrange workplace massage?

What about communicating to our employees?

Are the therapistis qualified and insured?

How often should we provide massage to our staff?

What if some colleagues have medical conditions?

How many people can be massaged per day?

Nutritious Snacks For Energy

Nutritious Snacks For Energy

Offering healthy drinks and snacks instead of the “usual” options would show that care and consideration has been given to each ‘touch point’ of the conference.

We can supply a range of items such as:

Herbal teas rich in antioxidants as an alternative to tea

Protein rich Café Latte

Vitamin-rich energy drinks that help keep delegates concentration high

Low calorie, high protein savoury and sweet snacks, rather than the usual crisps and biscuits options

We can also provide information on each product so delegates can understand for themselves what the options are and the potential benefits.

Discover Our Popular Services

Health Checks

Prioritising prevention over cure

Wellbeing & Engagement Surveys

Understand what really matters


Supporting a more age and gender inclusive workplace

Want to boost your staff morale?

Want to boost your staff morale?

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples