Stress Relieving Massage

An end of term treat, or as part of a regular part of your staff wellbeing programme, massage is a service your staff will love and appreciate.

Why Offer Massage?

Why Offer Massage?

Appreciative employees will benefit the business by:

Boosting morale

Lowering stress

Lowering absenteeism

Having greater levels of engagement since they recognise that the company cares about staff wellbeing

This can pay off in many ways from going the extra mile to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Even at the height of the Covid pandemic Musculoskeletal problems, such as back pain, neck and upper limb problems, caused more absence from work than Covid-19 did.

How does it help?

How does it help?

Whether it’s through sitting at a desk for much of the day, or through increased use of mobile devices, more and more people suffer from stiff neck, shoulders and back.

Massage helps:

Reduce stress

Relieve tension in the neck, shoulders and back

Boost the immune system

Release endorphins, making people feel good

Our FAQ’s Will Answer Many Queries

Our FAQ’s Will Answer Many Queries

Life Factory uses qualified, fully insured therapists to deliver massage in the workplace. It causes minimal disruption and involves massage in an ergonomic massage chair. If space is an issue massages can be given at the employees desk/workspace. Clothing does not need to be removed and no oils are used.

How much disruption will there be?

What actually happens on the day?

How much space is required?

What do we have to provide?

How do we arrange workplace massage?

What about communicating to our employees?

Are the therapistis qualified and insured?

How often should we provide massage to our staff?

What if some colleagues have medical conditions?

How many people can be massaged per day?

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