Wellbeing and Engagement Surveys

Wellbeing and Engagement Surveys

Seeking employee input not only shows that you're listening. The insights can also help shape your Wellbeing plans.

Make insight and data driven decisions

Make insight and data driven decisions

Our Wellbeing & Engagement surveys provide an insightful and objective basis to help you understand and refine any existing plans, or develop new plans.

Conducting a survey – whether it is a smaller pulse survey, or a more comprehensive survey – can help you:

Prevent stress from becoming unmanageable and disruptive

Prevent dissatisfaction

Identify quick wins

Identify areas of concern that need addressing

How would it work?

How would it work?

The Life Factory Wellbeing and Engagement survey can be delivered in several ways:

In full

In sections (and maybe delivered months apart)

Questions, or sections, can be removed

New questions, or sections can be added (for instance you may wish for the survey to ask a question about a recent wellbeing initiative you did)

As you can see we can make this your survey, giving you the information most useful to you.



Employees each receive a link to the online survey (via a secure platform).

The survey is anonymised, so answers can’t be traced back to individuals.

Once all responses have been received Life Factory provides analysis and insights via a presentation and report, giving you actionable insights to begin your reflection and strategy planning.

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Website examples
Website examples
Website examples