Adult Mental Health First Aid

Read almost any report or survey on stress and burnout and the teaching profession regularly comes at the top of the list. We can help you become more proactive in supporting the mental health of staff.

What Are Teachers Saying?

According to the 2022 Teacher Wellbeing Index – a survey carried out by the charity Education Support:

78% of UK school staff reported that they had experienced mental health symptoms due to their work in the past academic year.

59% of staff had considered leaving the profession.

Similarly high figures were found in the 2021-22 NASUWT Wellbeing at Work Survey, which found that 91% reported that their job has adversely affected their mental health in the last 12 months.

A profession in need of support

Of course the reasons contributing to stress and mental health challenges can be numerous, including workload, Ofsted reports, lack of resources and funding.

But 53% disagree/strongly disagree that their school prioritises staff mental health.

Whilst Mental Health First Aid is not a fix-all solution, it can contribute significantly to creating a more supportive culture and environment.

Key Impacts

87% Have Experienced An Increase In Anxiousness

82% Have Suffered Loss Of Sleep

28% Have Increased Their Use Of Alcohol

Training Sessions Available

Adult Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Adult Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Adult Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Adult MHFA Champions

1 day

Adult MHFA Champions

1 day

Adult MHFA Champions

1 day

Adult Mental Health Aware

Half day

Adult Mental Health Aware

Half day

Adult Mental Health Aware

Half day

Discover our popular services


Developing a more resilient and supportive workplace

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Equipping employees to recognise and respond

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Providing the confidence to act

Want to boost your staff morale?

Want to boost your staff morale?

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