Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth MHFA provides teachers and frontline professionals working with young people the skills and confidence to spot common signs and triggers of mental health issues, as well as the knowledge and confidence to help.

Understanding Young People’s Mental Health

Understanding Young People’s Mental Health

Mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and eating orders, are common and often start at an early age.

Contributing factors such as Academic pressure, Social Media, family units breaking down and peer pressure are contributing to the rise in mental health issues in younger people.

According to the Partnership for Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools, 2015 many of these factors often remain undetected and untreated unless schools play an active role.

In an average classroom of thirty 15 year olds

  • 10 are likely to have experienced parent separation

  • 7 are likely to have been bullied

  • 6 may be self-harming

  • 1 has experienced the death of a parent

Mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression and eating orders, are common and often start at an early age.

Contributing factors such as Academic pressure, Social Media, family units breaking down and peer pressure are contributing to the rise in mental health issues in younger people.

According to the Partnership for Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools, 2015 many of these factors often remain undetected and untreated unless schools play an active role.

Source: Public Health England: Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing

In an average classroom of thirty 15 year olds

  • 10 are likely to have experienced parent separate

  • 7 are likely to have been bullied

  • 6 may be self-harming

  • 1 has experienced the death of a parent

Source: Public Health England: Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing

Providing Support At The Right Time

Providing Support At The Right Time

Health professionals such as counsellors, psychiatrists and GP’s can all help. However, such assistance is not always available when an issue first arises.

That’s when key figures in a young person’s life, such as teachers, parents, coaches and tutors can offer aid and guide them towards the appropriate professional support.

How to aid and where to guide is one of the key aims of Youth MHFA.

The idea is not to teach people to be therapists or replace long term support. Rather, it provides the tools for people to recognise symptoms, intervene early, provide reassurance and guide a young person to appropriate professional support.

Health professionals such as counsellors, psychiatrists and GP’s can all help. However, such assistance is not always available when an issue first arises.

That’s when key figures in a young person’s life, such as teachers, parents, coaches and tutors can offer aid and guide them towards the appropriate professional support.

How to aid and where to guide is one of the key aims of Youth MHFA.

The idea is not to teach people to be therapists or replace long term support. Rather, it provides the tools for people to recognise symptoms, intervene early, provide reassurance and guide a young person to appropriate professional support.

Training Framework

We offer 3 training sessions according to the depth of learning and outcomes you wish to achieve.

Having a team who have a blend of knowledge and training is an effective way to safeguard young people.

Selecting the most suitable course for each staff member will depend on their role, responsibilities and opportunity to support young people.

Youth Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Youth Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Youth Mental Health First Aiders

2 days

Youth MHFA Champions

1 day

Youth MHFA Champions

1 day

Youth MHFA Champions

1 day

Youth Mental Health Aware

Half day

Youth Mental Health Aware

Half day

Youth Mental Health Aware

Half day

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